#Krittika #Kritika #KrittikaNakshatra #KritikaNakshatra
Sanskrit Name: कृत्तिका (Krittika) comes from the Sanskrit word कृत्त (to cut). One meaning of Krittika is “the cutter,” indicating perceptivity, power, and a discerning nature.
Planetary Ruler: Sun. In astrology the sun is considered the king of the planets. According to the Vedic understanding, the sun is an expansion of God. This planet is associated with the soul or self, leadership, happiness, success, self-realization, and spiritual enlightenment.
Nakshatra Group: Monstrous. Nakshatras are divided into three classes — monsters, humans, and gods. Krittika is a monstrous nakshatra. People in this group are generally intuitive, strong-willed, and assertive. They may be prone to anger and violence.
Zodiac Sign: Aries (first quarter) and Taurus (second through fourth quarters). Arians are loyal, intelligent, confident, competitive, and make natural leaders. Taurus natives are light-hearted, reliable, generous, likeable, obedient, and fond of sensual pleasures.
Deity: Agni. The lord of fire, Agni, is considered to be the mouth of the gods. In Vedic tradition, offerings to the gods are often made through sacred fire. Agni is also associated with transformation and purification.
Symbol: Knife or flame. The symbol for Krittika is a knife or a razor. The razor is sharp, and it shines in the sunlight, so the razor indicates the effect of Agni or fire. Razor is also used to shave the head and face. These two limbs are suggested by Krittika, which mainly indicates a face. This represents Krittika’s ability to burn, cut, or otherwise sever ties with negativity. It also represents some degree of ferocity and can be dangerous if misused.
Power: To burn or consume in order to purify. Just as fire burns away impurities, so does Krittika. Negative elements are burned away in order to reach a deeper truth. Krittika bestows a discerning nature and also gives light, warmth, and nourishment.
Resonant Syllables: In India, the birth nakshatra is traditionally used as one means of choosing the name of a child. The corresponding syllables for the four quarters (padas) of Krittika are A (अ), I (ई), U (उ), and E (ए). The syllable of a person’s first name is sometimes used when calculating an astrological chart if the time of birth is unknown.
Natives born in Krittika Nakshatra in Astrology are skilled at the debate, overtaking conversation with logic and reason, intimidating people with intelligence, having a perfectionist outlook, judging others but also a tendency to "cut self", inwardly judgmental, seeing the truth in own behavior, using fire to burn away bad parts and purify self for the bed, can appear harsh, yet be supportive, may be prone to giving tough love, can appear tough or stern, but deep inside are warm, sensitive, caring and very protective by nature.
Krittika Nakshatra in Astrology is one of the Adhomukhi Nakshatras (or the Nakshatras which have their mouths downwards). In these nakshatras, things related to tanks, wells, temples, mining, digging, etc. can be auspiciously begun and performed.
Vedic Story of Agni:
Agni is universal energy. The scope of Agni is highest within the panchamahabhootha, and therefore it is first in order. It exists in the form of fire on the earth, in the form of lightning in an environment and stars in the universe.
Characteristics of Krittika Nakshatra in Astrology -
- The animal of Krittika is a Goat. The goat is a resilient animal.
- When a land needs to be cleared of any type of bushes, weed and grass so that something can be built the builders hire a famer to bring in goat and sheep to clear out the ground, which is the fastest and the best way.
- They quickly cut through the grass and make way for a clear ground.
- This in a way what fire would do to a living earth; turn it into ash and dust.
- Goat also have a habit of biting or nibbling in order to communicate.
- A person with this nakshatra would usually bite or nib during love making or showing some form of passion.
- Goats also head butt during combat and when trying to retain their position or take someone else’s position in the herd, such behavior can translate into a person who will butt head with their co-workers, friends, bosses because they constantly want to fight for their position in life.
- The element of Krittika is fire, which can go two ways, the fire of purification and the fire of destruction.
- When we do rituals, homas, havans we are trying to invoke certain gods who can come and clean our sins and bad energy around the house.
- The other fire is the fire that has no control; it can go from a small matchstick to burning an entire forest.
- Both do the job of cleaning and cleansing but one is invoked and the other goes out of control.
- In the Rig Veda the Agni God has a big appetite for soma but was later cursed when he flirted with the wives of Saptarishis.
- This much of info shows that Krittika nakshatra have a bit of a perverted attitude of lust provided by soma.
- These natives can also be innocent and not realize their sexual behavior.
- This does not mean every single Krittika individual would have this behavior, it has to be supported by malefics, 12th lord and 8th lord connection which are the houses of secrecy.
- Krittika can actually make someone a priest as ironic as this statement.
- This foundation comes due to the mythology of Agni and how Agni peeked and saw wives of Saptarishis naked and lusted after them.
- He was then cursed by the rishis to have an insatiable sex appetite and lust, which would get him into trouble.
- Yes, it is a curse when someone is lusting or is forced to lust after every single thing.
- Krittika person is a seeker of truth because they want to cut through everything and get to the point.
- They make excellent political leaders, CEOs and executives in a company.
- The symbol of this nakshatra is a knife, which can either cut through the truth, war, body, meat and vegetables in the kitchen, which is why they make great chefs.
- In the kitchen the two most essentials things are fire and knife, which are represented by the Krittika nakshatra.
- When the Dharma or Artha lord are in the Krittika nakshatra the native will be an excellent chef.
- They also love to eat hot food and especially love putting extra ghee or butter in everything they eat.
- Krittika natives usually love carrying a pocketknife or swiss knife.
- On the Aries side of Krittika it gives love for playing with fire, doing fire rituals, bonfires and even studying elements of fire, which is electricity.
- The Krittika nakshatra has a strong theme of adoption.
- He is the brother of Ganesha and was born from the semen of Shiva during love making with Paravati.
- Kamadeva stole a single seed of sperm of Shiva to create a child, who would defeat the demon monster, Tarkasur.
- The child was taken and adopted by the six sisters known as the constellation of Pleiades.
- This theme can always play out in Krittika natives, they are either adopted, or raised by another family member while being far from their biological mother, they can even adopt children, foster children and animals.
- 11th lord is the 6th from 6th, which is the higher version of 6th house of pets.
- When in the 6th house one may even have to fight a custody battle for children.
- Such people always have to fight a battle in their lives with strong enemy and they usually win.
Attributes of Krittika Nakshatra in Astrology -
- This is the birth star of Chandra. Many constellations gather at the tail end of the Krittika group. It extends from Mesha 26'40". The residuary 10'00" degree falls in Vrishabha.
- Lord (Adhipati) is Mangal and Shukra. Agni is the great purifier, the great consumer of and the giver of light, heat, and brightness. Agni causes the fire of life and the drive. It is also the spark of life. Without fire, creation would not exist.
- Agni is at the base of creation and the continuation of existence. It consumes everything. The fire of digestion in the human system and the external fire for cooking are only different manifestations of the same principle: Agni.
- Agni is the symbol of brightness and brilliance, all weapons with fire-power. Other things of the same category come within the Krittika group's range. The fire is considered a purifier, for it burns away all that is wicked, dark and dull, and low and sinful and inauspicious in the world.
- The junk thus blazes away; and only effulgence and light remain. Fire gives the earth its activity and dynamism and revives it after the spells of cold that periodically inflict the earth's comatose condition.
Description of Krittika Nakshatra in Vedic Astrology -
- According to Hora Sara: The native will have no ability to rectify (wrong course), will be strong, fickle-minded, will have various foodstuffs at his disposal, and be extremely brilliant. He will have many dwelling places and be very talkative.
- According to Jataka Parijata: If during a native's birth, the Moon be in the star (Krittika), he will be energetic, lord-like in status, not dull but with some valuable learning.
- According to Sage Narada: One born in Krittika will be splendorous, intelligent, liberal, an avid eater, fond of women, sagacious, skilful, and honourable.
- According to Brihat Samhita: Birth under the asterism Krttika makes one a glutton, addicted to others' wives, brilliant and famous.
Krittika Nakshatra Pada Description -
Krittika Nakshatra 1st Pada:.
- Ruled by Sagittarius (Governed by Jupiter in Astrology).
- Those born in the 1st pada of krittika nakshatra are generous, very spiritual, religious, mystical, high morals, righteous, lawful, direct, blunt, bold, knowledgeable,
- Those born in the 1st pada of krittika nakshatra are well educated, philosophical, knowledgeable of right and wrong, self-sacrificing, have temper issues, are arrogant, and bossy.
Krittika Nakshatra 2nd Pada:
- Ruled by Capricorn (Governed by Saturn in Astrology).
- Those born in 2nd pada of krittika nakshatra are stable, structured, organized, have a balanced mind, logical thinking, knowledge-seeking lovers of historical knowledge, ancient scriptures, and have a serious approach towards spirituality.
- Those born in 2nd pada of krittika nakshatra are creative, materialistic, status through material gains, luxurious goods, seeker of authoritative nature, positions of power, networking, business experts, have a healthy relationship with government, and have gains through mother/maternal figure.
Krittika Nakshatra 3rd Pada:
- Ruled by Aquarius (Governed by Saturn).
- Those born in 3rd pada of krittika nakshatra have curiosity, are well learned, and have interests in esoteric subjects, astrology, tarot, reiki, and occult science.
- Those born in 3rd pada of krittika nakshatra have a future-oriented thinking, and are interested in science, technology, social networking, engineering.
Krittika Nakshatra 4th Pada:
- Ruled by Pisces (Governed by Jupiter).
- Those born in 4th pada of Krittika nakshatra are emotional, intuitive, attached to others, empathetic, humanitarian, purifying through spiritual pursuits, meditation, yoga, religion, esoteric pursuits gurus, teachers, leaders, giving away guidance, selfless, expect little in return, have a creative imagination, artistic nature, singers, writers, poets.
- They are mainly travellers, love travelling world, experience culture, foreign interests, loners, nature-loving, peaceful settings, serenity, emotional balance through spending time alone.
Compatibility Factors of Krittika Nakshatra -
Nadi: Aanthya or last.
Gana (Nature): Rakshasa or daemon.
Yoni (Animal Symbol): Mesha or ram.
Result of wearing new clothes on Krittika Nakshatra: The clothes may burn.
Result of first menses on Krittika Nakshatra: Attracted by men, may prefer abortion for the first time.
Result of performing Shraddha on Krittika Nakshatra: Better next birth.
Beneficial Activities on Krittika: Marketing.
Beneficial Savskara or Ceremonies on Krittika: No Savskara are suggested on Krittika.
Caste of Native with Krittika Nakshatra -
- Agni is the symbol of brightness and brilliance. The caste of this nakshatra is Brahmin, which is simply known “the educated one”, “the knower”.
- Even though this is the nakshatra of warriors and fighters, they cannot fight for something, which is wrong, unholy and of lower plane.
- They only fight for a good cause after attaining all the knowledge around them of the circumstances related to their battle.
- These natives need to be in the highest of position like executive class, presidential, intellectuals.
- There are lot of misconceptions about this caste, where it states you must be born in this lineage to be considered a Brahmin but, this caste is given to someone, who simply attains the highest of knowledge of this plane, which is not memorizing Upanishads, Gita or Vedas but to know God and have God realization.
- Krittika natives are also extremely handsome/beautiful due to their youthful look, just as Agni deva, the deity of Krittika nakshatra.